Twilight Games on Friday

14 Mar by Lori (Anabelle)

Hi All,

Please see attached the draw & teams for Friday night.


Arrive: 5:45pm for warm up
Games: 10 min halves | 3 min half time
Finish: Games will finish by 8:30pm

We kindly ask that everyone on the last round helps to clean up before they leave.


➡️ Players to report to their coaches;
➡️ Parents/ guardians & spectators to find a seat or standing area off the courts;
➡️ Players, Coaches & Umpires (only) will be allowed on the courts.


➡️ Full uniform (dress/ playing singlet & shirt); OR
➡️ Training singlet/ comfortable clothes of choice (if no uniform yet).

The uniform preference is so we can get some great photos & also makes it easier for Coaches to use game bibs. However – we can use overhead bibs for teams where players are still waiting on their uniforms.


➡️ Make sure you have suitable bibs;
➡️ Where teams are combined – liaise with your Co-Coach;
➡️ Assistant Coaches to help if they are available and would like to!
➡️ Bring a whistle – most Coaches will also need to umpire.


➡️ See attached PDF for your team allocation. We have kept teams together where possible (joint names). However, some players are allocated to other teams – if there were only 1 or 2 players from that team that submitted an EOI.
➡️ Please stay off the courts in between your rounds.


➡️ Children must be supervised at all times; particularly near the car park;
➡️ Please supervise your players in between rounds. We don’t want anyone running around on the courts or going into the sheds.
➡️ We will have the Hawks drink cart, with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available for purchase 🍻

We are hoping the night is a lot of fun, so please feel free to cheer and chat with other netball enthusiasts! This is our first time hosting twilight games and we’ll welcome feedback following the event 😁

We look forward to seeing everyone!

SGH Committee 💚❤️


391 Telegraph Rd, Fitzgibbon QLD 4018, Australia

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